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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Picture of the Day:

I've begun to Photoshop more. I get on Mondays, mostly. Sometimes the weekend. Recent projects I'm working on are an OC that has a trenchcoat (plus a tie!) and fanart of Oz from PH.

Current art project: oil pastels. I mean, oil pastels aren't bad. They're just like thick, oily, and blend-able crayons. I do prefer crayons (the kind that is waxy enough to blend easily, but not flake) over oil pastels, because you can get more detail in and not have to wash your hands because of the icky greasiness. But art teachers can be stubborn sometimes.

I have an "I love Hong Kong" t-shirt. I've always joked about it being "I love Hershey Kisses." In class, one of my friends said, "I didn't know you liked hot Koreans." What random ecstasy!

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