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Thursday, September 30, 2010


If you look at the new blog, on the right, there is a cbox named Emu.

Emu is sort of like a chatting box, except you have to press refresh multiple times. It's now exactly instant.

And I don't think we'll use Emu a lot, but if two or more of you happen to be on, you can chat through it.

Working on stuff.


Altair, an OC for a roleplay. Visit my dA page for details.

For Jcdr on dA. Her contest. Character: Geio
Check my dA for more info.
Dang, I need to get my priorities straight.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Personality Quiz!

My journalism teacher gave us a personality quiz today. I loved it, and it was very true. Sorry, I'm not going to put down all my results, because you don't need to know who I'm friends with - mwahahah!

Personality Quiz:

Order from greatest to least, in your opinion:
  • Tiger
  • Cow
  • Sheep
  • Horse
  • Pig

Write an adjective that comes to mind when you here these words:
  • Dog
  • Cat
  • Rat
  • Coffee
  • Sea
Write the name of a REAL person (and it cannot be you and also, please try not to be racist) that reminds you of these colors:
  • Yellow
  • Orange
  • Red
  • White
  • Green
Got it?????
Ok. Imma gonna put the answers in small print below, to discourage cheating!


The animals represent what you value most in life, form greatest to least.

-Tiger = pride
-Cow = career
-Sheep = love
-Horse = family
-Pig = $$$

The adjectives describe various aspects of life.

-Dog = personality
-Cat = your significant other's personality
-Rat = your enemies' personality
-Coffee = your love life
-Sea = your future

The colors tell you different things about people in your life.

-Yellow = someone you will never forget
-Orange = a true friend
-Red = someone you love deeply
-White = your twin soul
-Green = someone you may lose, but you'll always have a special place in your heart for them.

Hope you had fun! ♥

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Falalala! I'm so happy because I got to go to Borders yesterday and buy books! 40% off 2 paperbacks! Mwhahahah! And I got Pandora Hearts 2... So I'm content. I also got The Pigman, it's awesome!

My father saw some gel pens on sale, and he wanted to buy them (since they were on sale, duh). And they were licensed "Soul Eater" pens. You know, the manga... I haven't actually read the manga, but I thought it was hilarious.

  1. Hemlock2009 - status: complete [link]
  2. Demon-in-the-snow - status: complete [link]
  3. ShavaniDray - status: complete [link]
  4. My own sister - status: complete [link]
  5. lilith-lips - (reference: Miranda Nell) - status complete [link]
  6. My crazy friend who wants a pirate - status: complete [link]
  7. My expressive friend who likes anything I draw - status: 95% (Note, I'm done with the initial picture, but I have no idea what to do for the background. Also, I'm considering entering this piece into Anime-Lovers-United's contest.)
  8. Hemlock2009 - (reference: link) - status: 0%
  9. wytewolf - status 0%
  10. Kai45 - (reference: Shayna & Auron) - status: 5%
There may be more but I'm forgetful . . .

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Izaya - circulation sleeve - Durarara [Cover]

Something my friend showed me in return for helping her with homework! Just had to post this! It makes me like Izaya all the better. ♥

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


I wrote a review about a book for my local library on the book As Easy as Falling off the Face of the Earth by Lynne Rae Perkins. In return, they sent me this nice new book, The C♠rdturner (ok, the book cover really has the spades symbol in it, but you can see that it's called the "cardturner") by Louis Sachar.

Everyone knows that Sachar is a great author. Just look at his past works.

Well anyways, I'm not done reading it, but so far, I've got to say, it's an amazing book with that trademark Sachar style. Alton Richards has a great-uncle who is uber-rich but is dying. Ever since he was little, his parents initiated Alton to tell his great-uncle "I love you" or "You're my favorite uncle" and etc., so they would be included in the will. ($_$) Well, the great-uncle is turning blind, so he enlists Alton to be his 'cardturner', where he reads the card to his uncle and helps him play bridge. That's right, bridge.

Apparently, bridge is a complicated game that I don't understand yet, and as Sachar says, it is not played a lot nowadays, and young people are especially clueless about it. Count me in the clueless group.

Also very apparent, since my copy of the book was received from the library, it's a "advance reader's copy - not for sale" that reviewers/libraries receive and get to read before it's sold to the public. Mwahahah!

That's all for now. I hope.

  1. Hemlock2009 - status: complete [link]
  2. Demon-in-the-snow - status: complete [link]
  3. ShavaniDray - status: complete [link]
  4. My own sister - status: complete [link]
  5. lilith-lips - (reference: Miranda Nell) - status complete [link]
  6. My crazy friend who wants a pirate - status: complete [link]
  7. My expressive friend who likes anything I draw - status: 95% (Note, I'm done with the initial picture, but I have no idea what to do for the background. Also, I'm considering entering this piece into Anime-Lovers-United's contest.)
  8. Hemlock2009 - (reference: link) - status: 0%
  9. wytewolf - status 0%
  10. Kai45 - (reference: Shayna & Auron) - status: 5%
There may be more but I'm forgetful . . .

Some PH omakes I found. Some are funny, but some are testing my limits. PH Omakes

I've gotta do the dreaded HOMEWORK now. Loves, and survive. Hope you'll still be alive. ♥

Monday, September 20, 2010

Cut off

Hey fellow potatoes. Currently I'm not doing so good in PreCal. That means I've got to study more (like a good little Asian should) and so I won't be online as much as I was last week (that means 1 or 2 hours per day rather than 4). That also means the requests will take longer than usual to finish, so I hope you understand. If you need anything, please email me at therawpotato@gmail.com. I'll check that every day.

As a side not, I have fire ants crawling all around my computer and I was bitten on my toe and ankle. (I also happened to twist my ankle too.) The toe isn't so bad, since the toe has thicker skin, but the ankle is terribly swollen. (T_T) I'm afraid to put my feet on the floor. Why not squish the little buggers? Well, If you read my last post, To squish or not to squish, you can see my predicament.

Also have finished reading Duararara! and have started reading Are You Alice? AYA is drawn by the same mangaka as the one who's writing Zanbara. I'm so jealous of his style. (*_*)

Check out my friend, rTeazer. She draws so well and has a tablet. jealous.... But I love her work. See her work on one of her pieces on YouTube: (Hmmm, I guess this can count as 'Picture of the Day'...)

Thursday, September 16, 2010

To squish or not to squish

Just a few minutes ago, I was riding home from violin lessons. Mother was driving. I noticed a mosquito that was trying to break out of its moving prison. I tried to roll down the window to let it out, but I just then remembered that the window on my side was broken. Just my luck.

My mother rolled the window behind me to see if it would fly out, but, alas, the mosquito had limited vision and did not see its opportunity to escape. So then my mom gave me a tissue to squish it.

Though I know how annoying mosquitoes can be, and how deadly their carried diseases can become, I just can't take a life. I guess I relate to people and animals too much (sometimes plants too). I just can't kill anything, no matter how annoying they can be or how much I may threaten to beat you up. They have a life, and I'm not in a position to take theirs.

That's my passive side.
I suppose I'm like a Hello Panda biscuit. Hard on the outside, soft (and creamy) on the inside. Great, now I'm getting myself hungry. XD

I wish you Loves and Blessings from Above,
~Potato Mistress ♥

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

New Blog format! Your opinion? ☺

As you can see, I've updated the new blog format by using dotemplate. I had a hard time figuring out why my background seemed so off, but I figured out Picasa, the photo hosting program I was using to upload the template backgrounds, was putting the reduced size instead of the original size. That was quickly corrected with right-clicking the full-size image and copying the image URL.

Do you like the new format? Please let me know your opinions and comments by emailing me or commenting below. I spent hours on this, y'know.

Forgot to post this.
The request for lilith-lips
Have a good night everyone.

Without a spoon

Today I was about to eat my lunch when I realized I forgot to bring a spoon. (O-o) So I had to dump out the food from my thermos into a small cup/bowl (comes with thermos) and "drank" it. My friend was staring at me weirdly the whole time.

That reminds me, have you heard about the spoon killer? A bit of very lame gore, but it's hilarious if you like lameness. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VDvgL58h_Y

  1. Hemlock2009 - status: complete [link]
  2. Demon-in-the-snow - status: complete [link]
  3. ShavaniDray - status: complete [link]
  4. My own sister - status: complete [link]
  5. lilith-lips - (reference: Miranda Nell) - status complete [link]
  6. My crazy friend who wants a pirate - status: complete [link]
  7. My expressive friend who likes anything I draw - status: 85%
  8. Hemlock2009 - (reference: link) - status: 0%
  9. wytewolf - status 0%
  10. Kai45 - (reference: Shayna & Auron) - status: 5%
All requests are closed as of now. It will probably open by the start of the new year, at the very least.

I've got to finish my contest entries.

If you like Pandora Hearts, check out this new forum by the people who make the scanlations: TBAForum.

Wish you all energy and health for this hectic year.
Many blessings.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Picture of the Day AKA "I haven't done this in a while"

Picture of the Day:

I love the tuna!
Please visit the artist. Ouija-b / Kanapy is awesome!

Potato Mistress

Monday, September 13, 2010

And the rains come tumbling down

It rained hard here. Floods. The school (not mine) behind our neighborhood flooded so high, the cars were covered halfway. Oh yea, this was last Wednesday. I'm a bit late.

...meant to be geeks, or meant to be together. Your choice.

Nameless OC by my sister. She prefers her to be nameless. Bunny was supposed to be cute, but I messed up on the eyes so now they're zombie-like.

It's just my avatar on here, so I'm not going to post the picture. You can click on the link if you want.

For my friend. Request. She loves pirates. Apparently.

I am too lazy to post the current list of requests. That'll come up in another post hopefully.

dA activity has spiked to 200+ messages a day. Mostly spam though. That's ok. Though it takes me an hour to check everything.

I like The Black Abyss's new forum! --> [link]

Where is the $$ for my markers?!? Arghh...

Halo Reach comes out in 15-ish minutes. Not that I'm rich enough to buy it, but the new features and graphics are awesome. Plus, it's the last of the Halo game series.

Days are busy. Nights are filled with homework. Feel like a homework factory. Input: blank homework - output: error filled homework. Bleah...

Read some Duarara today. So funny and good. Some of the stuff I half-expected. But great read anyways! :D

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Don't you DISLIKE it when....

  1. People tell you that you are conceited. You know who you are.
  2. You never have time to go online and when you do, there's no one on and nothing to do, so you're just sitting there, bored.
  3. People give you the look, and you're like, what was that for?
  4. People snicker as you are giving a speech.
  5. People can be plain rude.
  6. You're trying to make a comment and an error message pops up that says, "you're not logged in" and you're like, "Darn it, I'm effing logged in!" and it won't let you comment no matter if you're already logged in.
  7. People write long, annoying posts that you don't want to read. (Like now, maybe.)
Recent art I did last night:

A chibi of Oz, from Pandora Hearts

Check out www.fiverr.com. I would post a "I'll draw you 5 pictures for $5", but I have yet to ask my parents for a PayPal. I don't even think they would approve of me selling art online. Oh wells.

Wattenberg was hired by Google. Yay for him! ☺

Reading The Barefoot Child: Stories of a Migrant Child by Elva Trevino Hart. A memoir. It's an OK book so far. It mentions a part where her mother becomes a bit suicidal, but doesn't remember it afterwards.

It's a lovely day today (though it is overcast outside)! I wish you the best! (Gawd, I have tests tomorrow.) ♥

Monday, September 6, 2010

Some new stuff

I'm too lazy to update the list now. So here's something else.

I've made some art recently. Here's to showcasing them.

And lastly, Sunday at its Best
This is my OC, Rael. (pronounced RA-ell)
Click on the link above for more info.

Friday was one of those terrible days where I felt that I was nothing - no personality. My friends barely talked with me. And that night, I couldn't find my camera that I had lost Sunday at my church. I started to stress out. Then this counselor in my church walked in and she sensed my stress. I told her what had happened and she prayed with me. I felt better after that, but still distressed, because my camera was a Christmas present given to me by my parents. Later that night, she found it, and I was so happy and relieved! That kindness totally canceled out the terribleness of that day and made me feel glad to have someone like her to talk to.

All for now. Happy labor day.