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Monday, August 30, 2010

Apartment and Chess

School is great! Ok, not really, but school is fine. I just don't have any friends in any of my classes. Except in P.E., orchestra, and science. It's sad. Homework is not too bad either; I just forget to put the homework in the pocket rather than file it in my binder. (So I ended up hurriedly finishing it in class, but the teacher forgot to take up the assignment.)

Remember in my last post, I talked about Martin Wattenberg? [link] He created Shape of Song. And I was looking at some of his other works and I discovered.....

This is an example of the program in 2-D
You type random words in and it creates an "apartment" that categorizes your words into different rooms based on their meaning. Like in the picture above, your ID is very much in your closet (hmmm, I wonder why) and your ego is all around the dining room (why? That beats me). And apparently, freud belongs in the bedroom. As you build your apartment, the words may connect with each other or float between rooms. When you save it, you can view other's apartments and see what theirs is focused on. Vision, secrecy, food, glamor....
Thinking Machine

An example of a game
Basically, Thinking Machine is a program that you play chess with, but it shows you what the computer is thinking as it is making a decision. I'm not a big chess fan, so I thought it looked cool, but I'm not spending my time playing it. Sorry, Mr. Wattenberg. They'd actually make you a real chessboard that does the same thing, only if you'll pay the a five-figure sum. More info found here: http://www.bewitched.com/chess.html

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Free Requests cont.

Here is the list so far:

  1. Hemlock2009 - status: complete [link]
  2. Demon-in-the-snow - status: 0%
  3. ShavaniDray - status: 10%
  4. My own sister - status: 50%
  5. empty
  6. empty
  7. empty
  8. empty
  9. empty
  10. empty
So that's all. Sorry to Demon-in-the-snow and ShavaniDray for being so slow. My sister is beating me up so I have to do hers before she kills me. Just kidding.

Picture of the Day:
Great detail and shading! I'm not a Naruto fan, but this is very awesome.

School has only started on Monday, and it already feels like a week. Please save me. My classes aren't that bad, though. Just lots of strangers and homework every day. All my friends only have one class with me or even none at all. It's sad. I've hardly got on, so don't expect me to update this blog regularly, though I will try.

Need to learn Mozart Concerto in G for Violin for my solo/ensemble stuff. Still learning Asian Dream Song and Kids Return on the piano. Hana-Bi was easier than the first two.

Found an interesting website: Martin Wattenberg: Shape of Song. Check it out. And read the simple explaination; the complicated one is just, complicated! His website also lists and links his projects. http://www.bewitched.com/. I found it while doing a wordle for a class. (The link is in the credits page.)

Don't die this school year! ♥

With much love,
Potato Mistress ♪♫♪♫♪♫

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Hopelessness, and FREE REQUESTS

So pretty much I've been so lazy this summer. School is about to start and I've not finished packing my backpack. My schedule is ok, though all my friends are taking tennis and I'm practically the only Asian doing P.E. I'm such a sucker....

In addition to my LaTaling, I've also been trying my hand at Perfect World. It's a lot more complicated. If you don't like complicated things, don't download it. It's not worth your space and time. As for me on the other hand, Perfect World is fine for me (except for the hopelessly skimpy clothing).

A good series to read: Truancy. About this city which is almost entirely focused on education. And there's the Truancy, a rebel organization made of Truants. There's a lot of fighting. Written by Isamu Fukui. He was only 15 when he started writing these books! He first wrote Truancy (2nd book chronologically through the storyline), then he wrote Truancy Origins (1st book), and the last in the series is Truancy City (3rd), which he is still writing right now. You really have to read it. I read it in the order he wrote it, but if you want to read it chronologically, that's fine. I suggest you don't read the summaries on the inside of the book jackets, because they give a lot away. Just read it.

A good movie to watch: Departures. It's a Japanese movie about a guy who works as an NK agent (you'll figure it out later). The whole story is touching (and has its funny parts too) and it won an Academy Award for best foreign film (I think). And, there's a CELLO! After you watch the movie, you won't be as afraid of dead people as you used to be, I promise. (why is this black?)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Summer is almost gone

Hey fellas.

It's been a while since I did picture of the day. Here's one. It's in .swf format so it won't show up in the post. http://speckledluminance.deviantart.com/favourites/#/d2vd165

As August is dawning, I'm realizing that this momentary state of peace will soon be interrupted by schoolwork, extracurricular activities, and more. So I'm going to treasure the last few days before the hectic routine takes over once more.

Today is my friend's birthday. She's a very loyal and respectful person. We live a few hours apart now, so I'm hoping I can mail her something. She probably won't get it in time though.

I hurt my back on a roller coaster Sunday. Still aches. I think it's either a muscle or bone injury.

I've been LaTale-ing a bit more. Lvl. 30. Made some friends. That's me down there. Yes, I play as a guy.

As mentioned in the previous post, I'm catching up on Bleach. Haven't made much progress yet.