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Sunday, April 18, 2010

Spoiled Milk

As I was doing some math homework, I got POed at how dumb it could be. I certainly don't want to do some two-page long problem on how long it would take for milk to spoil if it was 20º C. I'd just go put the milk back in the fridge or drink it up before it spoils. Only some radical nerd would dare to solve some pointless equation like that. But I had to solve it.

Over the weekend, I had some art homework, but not the fun type of art. It was more of the "forced enjoyment" kind of art. I mean, how can you really do art if your heart is not into it? My heart is definitely not into waxy crayon dots over some lousy construction paper. Seriously, who likes drawing dots with crayons for fun? I just wish art would be a lot more fun than the elementary stuff we're doing now.

You guys do know I have a deviantArt right? (Well of course--otherwise, why would I rave about Cindre in my last post?) It's at speckledluminance.deviantart.com. I'm not the best artist. Anyway, I finally learned more about Photoshop and how I could use it to my advantage. Using Photoshop CS2, I'm currently coloring an OC that I drew last weekend. I'm going to post it as soon as possible. Hopefully my skills will improve over time.

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