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Monday, September 6, 2010

Some new stuff

I'm too lazy to update the list now. So here's something else.

I've made some art recently. Here's to showcasing them.

And lastly, Sunday at its Best
This is my OC, Rael. (pronounced RA-ell)
Click on the link above for more info.

Friday was one of those terrible days where I felt that I was nothing - no personality. My friends barely talked with me. And that night, I couldn't find my camera that I had lost Sunday at my church. I started to stress out. Then this counselor in my church walked in and she sensed my stress. I told her what had happened and she prayed with me. I felt better after that, but still distressed, because my camera was a Christmas present given to me by my parents. Later that night, she found it, and I was so happy and relieved! That kindness totally canceled out the terribleness of that day and made me feel glad to have someone like her to talk to.

All for now. Happy labor day.


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